A Bitcoin You Can Flip

A bitcoin you can flip, photo courtesy of Steve Jurvetson, CC BY 2.0.

Here are some of the stories we have been following this week.

  • New York State recently granted the first banking trust charter for a bitcoin exchange in the United States.
  • Shortly after an Amtrak train derailment that resulted in eight fatalities, the House Appropriations Committee rejected an amendment to boost funding for rail infrastructure requested by President Obama. While Wednesday’s accident is still being investigated, the train was traveling more than 100 miles per hour, twice the speed limit at the curve where it derailed.
  • After Senate Democrats dealt an embarrassing blow to President Obama’s trade agenda on Tuesday by voting to prevent the chamber from debating fast-track legislation, Senators reached a compromise on Thursday. After passing a customs and enforcement measure to address currency manipulation and a package of trade preferences for sub-Saharan Africa, the Senate will now debate a trade package that includes trade promotion authority, known as fast-track, and trade adjustment assistance.

In addition, if you are not following the personal blog of our managing director, Dr. John Kilpatrick, he recently posted a brief review of the American Real Estate Society (ARES) 2015 Annual Meeting.